Monday 29 February 2016


Whenever I attend an end of life ceremony, it invariably causes me to take stock of my own life. I hear the loved ones of the deceased speaking such tearful and heartfelt memories. They talk about gifts given that will linger on long past the departure of the physical presence.

What words will be spoken after I draw my final breath?

It's hard to assess with any real clarity how others feel about and perceive us. The smallest action, unknowingly taken, can have vast and rippling effects, completely hidden to the initiator. Some of the most impactful events cannot be expressed in words, and therefore go unsaid.

What words would I choose to be spoken?

Every person has their own unique set of values and traits. Highest on my list are things like kindness, love, compassion, acceptance. If I could select any traits to be remembered, it would be these. That everyone in my life felt some variation on those things that I hold most dear.

What power do we have over how we are remembered?

Perception is a tricky thing. No matter how hard we try, the image of us in the minds and lives of others is subject to their particular lens. The only power that remains to us is to live true to our internal compass. We will be valued by those who value the same things.

In memory of Gord Hope, 1954-2016

Monday 22 February 2016

The Law of an Open Mind

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode The Game (season 5, episode 6) a very short-lived character was seen for the second and last time. Ensign Robin Lefler, played by Ashley Judd. Among her many spunky attributes is her book of personal laws. Robin’s Laws, created whenever she learns "something essential”. This concept always intrigued me, and recently I created my own set of laws.

Number 7:
“There's always a chance everything I believe is untrue and I must keep an open mind for those things to change.”

The theory behind this idea is the simple fact that there are many things in other people’s minds I wish would change. The idea that any one person is invariably correct, for one. The idea that telling others their experience is untrue or false is a helpful act, for another.

If I want to be more loving and kind than those rigid beliefs permit, I must obviously allow my own mind to remain flexible and accepting.

Monday 15 February 2016

The Lesson of Deadpool

The entity known as Deadpool (real name: Ryan Reynolds) has something the world can learn from. So sit down, and let me tell you a thing.

Be you. Forget the rest.

Deadpool: in theatres Feb. 12th 2016 (Rated R)

Monday 8 February 2016

Five More Reasons You Want an ADHD Brain on Your Zombie Apocalypse Team (Part 2)

Second installment of a 4 part series. Part 1 is here.

Disclaimer: Not every person with ADHD will have any or all of these. Displaying anything on this list doesn’t mean a person has ADHD. The things on this list aren’t unique to ADHD.

6. Bro, do you even lift?
Physical hyperactivity can sometimes translate into physical fitness because the individual simply must move. Carrying firewood, fighting off the horde, running to safety, these are all important survival skills made easier by a high fitness level.

7. Change?! YAY!!!
Because boredom is the enemy, we adore change. Constantly moving from place to place, looking for the things we need to survive, not knowing where the next toilet paper is coming from? Perfect, to the ADHD brain.

8. Quick decision making
In an apocalypse there’s no time to discuss things in a committee. ADHD’s impulsivity will work to the team’s advantage in a crisis because sometimes delay is just as much of a killer. Our high levels of intuition means that more than likely that snap judgement will be a good one.

9. “Everyone’s saying ‘hello’ to each other, how wonderful.”
Another time saver will be pleasantries. We hate ‘em. We can’t stand ‘em. They’ll finally be gone now that the social constructs of civilization have deteriorated. Good riddance, so say I.

10. Easy-going, all day long
We are just the most chill subsection of people you’d ever care to meet. We’ll often go with the majority vote, because making decisions is hard, ok... We also have the worst memories which means all those grudges and feuds featured in the “previously on” clip don’t even matter to us.

Monday 1 February 2016

Pill Pod System

Something I recently learned about ADHD is often we can't use existing systems. Even such basic things as planners and forms; we need to alter them to specifically fit us. This is something I've been doing for a long time.

A perfect example of that is my pill pod system. I need certain medications available to me at all times, and I hate having things rattling in my bag.

The little pods that contain the surprise in a Kinder egg are perfect for carrying pills. They are durable, easy to write on with a permanent marker, and easy to open and close.

Two cotton balls will keep the pills from making any noise therefore increasing privacy surrounding medications. Keeping them blank and unlabeled will also help with visual privacy.

They will even fit chewable antacids. If the medication you need is in a blister pack, cut each pill out of the sheet in a smooth oval or circle to avoid sharp pointed edges.

Write any dosages on a slip of paper and include inside the pod.

I refill the pods as soon as they become empty so I am guaranteed the medication when I need it. A great way to do this is text or email myself a reminder as soon as I notice.


When traveling across international borders, always keep prescription medication in its original containers. Never use this system when traveling internationally.

- These pods are a neon sign for children. I would not feel at all comfortable allowing this system near children because of the potential hazards. A way to avoid this hazard would be to keep the pods in a container inaccessible to children, such a small, locked box, in the bag, purse, or desk.

- I also haven't been able to confirm that they are made from food safe plastic. They are sold with an edible product so it makes sense to me they would be, but the Internet has not yet furnished me with confirmation either way.